Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Let's not trivialise anxiety and depression among young people as a "phase"

October 10 marks World Mental Health Day and this year’s focus is on young people. As someone who was diagnosed at 16 and struggles with mental health problems in my daily life, both with anxiety and depression, I welcome this news and firmly believe youth mental health needs more focus and attention in the media and public eye.

There’s still an attitude amongst many that people can be too young to experience mental health problems, and struggles are frivolously labelled as “phases” that people will grow out of in due course. I have been told by some that my mental illness is not serious, therefore it is clear that stigma remains amongst some people. No matter what your age you can suffer with a mental health problem and no struggle should be seen as invalid on the basis of age. 

From my own experience, I only realised I was struggling when my mum picked up on it and I...

Original source: Let's not trivialise anxiety and depression among young people as a "phase"

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