Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The 135-Rep Workout to Test Your Mettle

The 135-Rep Workout to Test Your Mettle
Ian Spanier

The dumbbell lunge is an easier setup than the barbell lunge. Plus, dumbbells, of course, don’t require an open squat rack. But inconvenience is no reason not to lunge with a barbell, especially when the barbell lunge offers two major advantages to lifters:

  1. It allows you to go heavier than you can with dumbbells because grip strength is not a factor.
  2. Your upper body is more engaged as you support the bar on your back. Once you get comfy with the barbell lunge, try the intense workout below.

Perform the following three exercises as a circuit in a 21-15-9 scheme; 21 reps of everything the first time through (rowing should be measured in calories burned—a standard Concept2 rower will measure this), then do 15 reps/calories of all exercises, then 9. Record your total time for future reference. 




Original source: The 135-Rep Workout to Test Your Mettle

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